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April 2, 2024 | In the News

Fan, Peters, and Zilibotti's Research in The New York Times: "Poor Nations Are Writing a New Handbook for Getting Rich"

Research conducted by Fan, Peters, and Zilibotti on the unequal effects of service-led growth in low-income countries helps illuminate economic development challenges these nations face.

Photo by PradeepGaurs

by Patricia Cohen

For more than half a century, the handbook for how developing countries can grow rich hasn’t changed much: Move subsistence farmers into manufacturing jobs, and then sell what they produce to the rest of the world. [...] But technology is advancing, supply chains are shifting, and political tensions are reshaping trade patterns. And with that, doubts are growing about whether industrialization can still deliver the miracle growth it once did. For developing countries, which contain 85 percent of the globe’s population — 6.8 billion people — the implications are profound.


Researchers at Yale University found that in India and several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, agricultural workers jumped into consumer service jobs and raised their productivity and incomes.

But there was a catch: the gains were “strikingly unequal” and disproportionately benefited the rich...

Read more on the New York Times website.

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