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Faculty Research Support

EGC provides funding for research projects focused on themes of international development, economic history and trade research focused on lower-income countries.

EGC Small Research Grants Program

The EGC small research grants program for faculty is designed to support exploratory research and small projects. These grants may be used for a variety of research-related purposes, including graduate or undergraduate research assistance, field work and primary data collection expenses, data purchase and research-related travel, and seed funding for large external grant applications when no other funding sources are available. The maximum grant size will typically not exceed $10,000.


Faculty eligible for these grants include all EGC affiliates, with priority given to junior faculty.  If you are a Yale faculty member who is not an EGC faculty affiliate but would like to be considered, please send an email of inquiry to

How to Apply

The guidelines and templates to apply for the EGC small research grants program are available in the links below: 


Requests under this program may be submitted at any time, but the number of grants is limited. 


Faculty who receive these research grants will be expected to contribute actively to the collective intellectual life of the Center. In addition, faculty who receive support under this program should acknowledge EGC in their research publications. For more details on award requirements, review the guidelines at the link above.

EGC Junior Faculty Small and Medium-sized Research Grants

The Economic Growth Center at Yale University aims to support its Junior Faculty Affiliates by providing grants of up to $25,000 for research on themes of international development, trade and economic history.  The grants under this program are intended to support projects with smaller budgets or exploratory research for larger projects, often in the pursuit of external funding for the bulk of project activities. These grants may be used for a variety of research-related purposes, including graduate or undergraduate research assistance, field work and primary data collection expenses, data purchase, research-related travel, and seed funding for large external grant applications.


Faculty eligible for these grants include all EGC junior faculty affiliates.  If you are a Yale junior faculty member who is not an EGC faculty affiliate, but would like to be considered, please send an email of inquiry to

How to Apply

The guidelines and templates to apply for the EGC small research grants program are available in the links below: 


October 31, 2023

EGC Faculty Research Incubation Grant 

The Economic Growth Center (EGC) at Yale University seeks to assist EGC affiliates in the development of research projects that have already received external funding or where the explicit goal is to use preliminary research to apply for external grant funding from major agencies (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, USAID DIV, the Fund for Innovation in Development (FID), and private foundations).  In particular, the EGC would like to encourage faculty to engage current Yale PhD students as research assistants while undertaking this work.  Awards of up to $10,000 will be available in the summer of 2024 to support the hiring of Economics PhD students to this end.

How to Apply

The guidelines and required cover sheet to apply for the EGC Faculty Research Grant are available below: 


May 24, 2024 for consideration for Summer 2024 awards.