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August 28, 2024 | News

EGC announces the Fall 2024 Development and Economic History weekly workshop and lunch speakers

EGC hosts a number of weekly events for the Yale community. The Fall 2024 lineup was announced on August 28.

A lecture at Yale

The Yale Economic Growth Center has announced the lineup for its headline weekly events: the Development Workshop, Development Lunch, Economic History Workshop and Economic History Lunch.

The Development Workshop is designed as a forum for graduate students and faculty with an interest in economic problems of developing countries. Outside speakers, faculty and graduate students on the job market discuss research papers. The Development Lunch (officially “Economics 756: Prospectus Workshop in Development”) is an informal workshop designed primarily for graduate students working in development economics to present research in progress. The Economic History Workshop is a central part of the program, with speakers including Yale faculty and graduate students as well as distinguished scholars from other institutions. The weekly Economic History Lunch provides an informal setting for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty to exchange comments on work in progress.

A seminar at Yale

Development Workshops, Fall 2024

Development Lunches, Fall 2024

Seminars are held Mondays, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. 

September 16 Mitchell VanVuren
September 23 Christina Qiu
September 30 Xiangyu Shi
October 7 Tim Hersey
October 14 Ignacio Marra
October 21 Jillian Stallman
October 28 Aisha Salih
November 4 Jared Stolove
November 11 Matthew Schwartzman
November 18 Nicolas Jimenez
November 25 Thanksgiving Week (no lunch)
December 2 Pam Torola
December 9 Sabrina Peng
December 16 Meital Peleg Mizrachi and Jimena Romero

For more information and to register, visit the Development Lunch homepage.

Economic History Workshops, Fall 2024

Seminars are held Mondays, 4:00 - 5:30 pm.

September 9 Gilles Bransbourg, American Numismatic Society and Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
September 16 John Turner, Queen's University Belfast
September 23 Allison Green, Princeton University
September 30 Volha Charnysh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
October 7 Marlous van Waijenburg, Harvard Business School
October 14 Matthew Jaremski, Utah State University
October 21 Stephen Haber, Stanford University
October 28 Karen Clay, Carnegie Mellon University
November 4 Massimiliano Onorato, University of Bologna
November 11 Bogac Ergene, University of Vermont
November 18 David E. Weinstein, Columbia University (Joint workshop with Development Economics)
November 25 Thanksgiving Week (no workshop)
December 7 Marcella Alsan, Harvard University
December 14 David Wheat, Michigan State University

For more information and to register, visit the Economic History Workshop homepage.

Economic History Lunches, Fall 2024

Seminars are held Thursdays, 12:00 - 1:00 pm.

September 12 TBD
September 19 TBD
September 26 TBD
October 3 Naasey Kanko Arthur, Yale University (half hour)
October 10 Tim Hersey, Yale University
October 17 Metin Coşgel, University of Connecticut
October 24 Cheryl Wu, Yale University
October 31 Pier Paolo Creanza, Princeton University
November 7 Liza Brover, Yale University
November 14 José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Yale University
November 21 Eric Solomon, Yale University
November 28 Thanksgiving Week - no lunch
December 5 TBD
December 12 TBD

For more information and to register, visit the Economic History Lunch homepage.