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Donald W. K. Andrews Publications

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Discussion Paper

This paper is concerned with possible model misspecification in moment inequality models. Two issues are addressed. First, standard tests and confidence sets for the true parameter in the moment inequality literature are not robust to model misspecification in the sense that they exhibit spurious precision when the identified set is empty. This paper introduces tests and confidence sets that provide correct asymptotic inference for a pseudo-true parameter in such scenarios, and hence, do not suffer from spurious precision.

Second, specification tests have relatively low power against a range of misspecified models. Thus, failure to reject the null of correct specification does not necessarily provide evidence of correct specification. That is, model misspecification tests are subject to the problem that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This paper develops new diagnostics for model misspecification in moment inequality models that do not suffer from this problem.

Discussion Paper

Standard tests and confidence sets in the moment inequality literature are not robust to model misspecification in the sense that they exhibit spurious precision when the identified set is empty. This paper introduces tests and confidence sets that provide correct asymptotic inference for a pseudo-true parameter in such scenarios, and hence, do not suffer from spurious precision.


This paper introduces identification-robust subvector tests and confidence sets (CS’s) that have asymptotic size equal to their nominal size and are asymptotically efficient under strong identification. Hence, inference is as good asymptotically as standard methods under standard regularity conditions, but also is identification robust. The results do not require special structure on the models under consideration, or strong identification of the nuisance parameters, as many existing methods do. We provide general results under high-level conditions that can be applied to moment condition, likelihood, and minimum distance models, among others. We verify these conditions under primitive conditions for moment condition models. In another paper, we do so for likelihood models. The results build on the approach of Chaudhuri and Zivot (2011), who introduce a C(α)-type Lagrange multiplier test and employ it in a Bonferroni subvector test. Here we consider two-step tests and CS’s that employ a C(α)-type test in the second step. The two-step tests are closely related to Bonferroni tests, but are not asymptotically conservative and achieve asymptotic efficiency under strong identification.


This paper considers tests and confidence sets (CS’s) concerning the coefficient on the endogenous variable in the linear IV regression model with homoskedastic normal errors and one right-hand side endogenous variable. The paper derives a finite-sample lower bound function for the probability that a CS constructed using a two-sided invariant similar test has infinite length and shows numerically that the conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) CS of Moreira (2003) is not always very close to this lower bound function. This implies that the CLR test is not always very close to the two-sided asymptotically-efficient (AE) power envelope for invariant similar tests of Andrews, Moreira, and Stock (2006) (AMS)

On the other hand, the paper establishes the finite-sample optimality of the CLR test when the correlation between the structural and reduced-form errors, or between the two reduced-form errors, goes to 1 or -1 and other parameters are held constant, where optimality means achievement of the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS. These results cover the full range of (non-zero) IV strength.

The paper investigates in detail scenarios in which the CLR test is not on the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS. Also, the paper shows via theory and numerical work that the CLR test is close to having greatest average power, where the average is over a grid of concentration parameter values and over pairs alternative hypothesis values of the parameter of interest, uniformly over pairs of alternative hypothesis values and uniformly over the correlation between the structural and reduced-form errors. The paper concludes that, although the CLR test is not always very close to the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS, CLR tests and CS’s have very good overall properties.


This paper considers tests and confidence sets (CS’s) concerning the coefficient on the endogenous variable in the linear IV regression model with homoskedastic normal errors and one right-hand side endogenous variable. The paper derives a finite-sample lower bound function for the probability that a CS constructed using a two-sided invariant similar test has infinite length and shows numerically that the conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) CS of Moreira (2003) is not always “very close,” say .005 or less, to this lower bound function. This implies that the CLR test is not always very close to the two-sided asymptotically-efficient (AE) power envelope for invariant similar tests of Andrews, Moreira, and Stock (2006) (AMS).

On the other hand, the paper establishes the finite-sample optimality of the CLR test when the correlation between the structural and reduced-form errors, or between the two reduced-form errors, goes to 1 or -1 and other parameters are held constant, where optimality means achievement of the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS. These results cover the full range of (non-zero) IV strength.

The paper investigates in detail scenarios in which the CLR test is not on the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS. Also, theory and numerical results indicate that the CLR test is close to having greatest average power, where the average is over a grid of concentration parameter values and over pairs alternative hypothesis values of the parameter of interest, uniformly over pairs of alternative hypothesis values and uniformly over the correlation between the structural and reduced-form errors. Here, “close” means .015 or less for k≤20, where k denotes the number of IV’s, and .025 or less for 0<k≤40. The paper concludes that, although the CLR test is not always very close to the two-sided AE power envelope of AMS, CLR tests and CS’s have very good overall properties.


In this paper, we construct confidence sets for models defined by many conditional moment inequalities/equalities. The conditional moment restrictions in the models can be finite, countably in finite, or uncountably in finite. To deal with the complication brought about by the vast number of moment restrictions, we exploit the manageability (Pollard (1990)) of the class of moment functions. We verify the manageability condition in five examples from the recent partial identification literature.

The proposed confidence sets are shown to have correct asymptotic size in a uniform sense and to exclude parameter values outside the identified set with probability approaching one. Monte Carlo experiments for a conditional stochastic dominance example and a random-coefficients binary-outcome example support the theoretical results.


This paper develops methods of inference for nonparametric and semiparametric parameters defined by conditional moment inequalities and/or equalities. The parameters need not be identified. Confidence sets and tests are introduced. The correct uniform asymptotic size of these procedures is established. The false coverage probabilities and power of the CS’s and tests are established for fixed alternatives and some local alternatives. Finite-sample simulation results are given for a nonparametric conditional quantile model with censoring and a nonparametric conditional treatment effect model. The recommended CS/test uses a Cramér-von-Mises-type test statistic and employs a generalized moment selection critical value.


This paper determines the properties of standard generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators, tests, and confidence sets (CS’s) in moment condition models in which some parameters are unidentified or weakly identified in part of the parameter space. The asymptotic distributions of GMM estimators are established under a full range of drifting sequences of true parameters and distributions. The asymptotic sizes (in a uniform sense) of standard GMM tests and CS’s are established.

The paper also establishes the correct asymptotic sizes of “robust” GMM-based Wald, t; and quasi-likelihood ratio tests and CS’s whose critical values are designed to yield robustness to identification problems.

The results of the paper are applied to a nonlinear regression model with endogeneity and a probit model with endogeneity and possibly weak instrumental variables.


This paper analyzes the properties of a class of estimators, tests, and confidence sets (CS’s) when the parameters are not identified in parts of the parameter space. Specifically, we consider estimator criterion functions that are sample averages and are smooth functions of a parameter theta. This includes log likelihood, quasi-log likelihood, and least squares criterion functions.

We determine the asymptotic distributions of estimators under lack of identification and under weak, semi-strong, and strong identification. We determine the asymptotic size (in a uniform sense) of standard t and quasi-likelihood ratio (QLR) tests and CS’s. We provide methods of constructing QLR tests and CS’s that are robust to the strength of identification.

The results are applied to two examples: a nonlinear binary choice model and the smooth transition threshold autoregressive (STAR) model.


This paper shows that moment inequality tests that are asymptotically similar on the boundary of the null hypothesis exist, but have very poor power. Hence, existing tests in the literature, which are asymptotically non-similar on the boundary, are not deficient. The results are obtained by first establishing results for the finite-sample multivariate normal one-sided testing problem. Then, these results are shown to have implications for more general moment inequality tests that are used in the literature on partial identification.


This paper provides a set of results that can be used to establish the asymptotic size and/or similarity in a uniform sense of confidence sets and tests. The results are generic in that they can be applied to a broad range of problems. They are most useful in scenarios where the pointwise asymptotic distribution of a test statistic has a discontinuity in its limit distribution.

The results are illustrated in three examples. These are: (i) the conditional likelihood ratio test of Moreira (2003) for linear instrumental variables models with instruments that may be weak, extended to the case of heteroskedastic errors; (ii) the grid bootstrap confidence interval of Hansen (1999) for the sum of the AR coefficients in a k-th order autoregressive model with unknown innovation distribution, and (iii) the standard quasi-likelihood ratio test in a nonlinear regression model where identification is lost when the coefficient on the nonlinear regressor is zero.


This paper introduces a new confidence interval (CI) for the autoregressive parameter (AR) in an AR(1) model that allows for conditional heteroskedasticity of general form and AR parameters that are less than or equal to unity. The CI is a modification of Mikusheva’s (2007a) modification of Stock’s (1991) CI that employs the least squares estimator and a heteroskedasticity-robust variance estimator. The CI is shown to have correct asymptotic size and to be asymptotically similar (in a uniform sense). It does not require any tuning parameters. No existing procedures have these properties. Monte Carlo simulations show that the CI performs well in finite samples in terms of coverage probability and average length, for innovations with and without conditional heteroskedasticity.


Completeness and bounded-completeness conditions are used increasingly in econometrics to obtain nonparametric identification in a variety of models from nonparametric instrumental variable regression to non-classical measurement error models. However, distributions that are known to be complete or boundedly complete are somewhat scarce.

In this paper, we consider an L2-completeness condition that lies between completeness and bounded completeness. We construct broad (nonparametric) classes of distributions that are L2-complete and boundedly complete. The distributions can have any marginal distributions and a wide range of strengths of dependence. Examples of L2-incomplete distributions also are provided.

Discussion Paper

This paper introduces a new identification- and singularity-robust conditional quasi-likelihood ratio (SR-CQLR) test and a new identification- and singularity-robust Anderson and Rubin (1949) (SR-AR) test for linear and nonlinear moment condition models. Both tests are very fast to compute. The paper shows that the tests have correct asymptotic size and are asymptotically similar (in a uniform sense) under very weak conditions. For example, in i.i.d. scenarios, all that is required is that the moment functions and their derivatives have 2+γ bounded moments for some γ>0. No conditions are placed on the expected Jacobian of the moment functions, on the eigenvalues of the variance matrix of the moment functions, or on the eigenvalues of the expected outer product of the (vectorized) orthogonalized sample Jacobian of the moment functions.

The SR-CQLR test is shown to be asymptotically efficient in a GMM sense under strong and semi-strong identification (for all k≥p, where k and p are the numbers of moment conditions and parameters, respectively). The SR-CQLR test reduces asymptotically to Moreira’s CLR test when p=1 in the homoskedastic linear IV model. The same is true for p≥2 in most, but not all, identification scenarios.

We also introduce versions of the SR-CQLR and SR-AR tests for subvector hypotheses and show that they have correct asymptotic size under the assumption that the parameters not under test are strongly identified. The subvector SR-CQLR test is shown to be asymptotically efficient in a GMM sense under strong and semi-strong identification.


This paper analyzes the properties of standard estimators, tests, and confidence sets (CS’s) for parameters that are unidentified or weakly identified in some parts of the parameter space. The paper also introduces methods to make the tests and CS’s robust to such identification problems. The results apply to a class of extremum estimators and corresponding tests and CS’s that are based on criterion functions that satisfy certain asymptotic stochastic quadratic expansions and that depend on the parameter that determines the strength of identification. This covers a class of models estimated using maximum likelihood (ML), least squares (LS), quantile, generalized method of moments (GMM), generalized empirical likelihood (GEL), minimum distance (MD), and semi-parametric estimators.

The consistency/lack-of-consistency and asymptotic distributions of the estimators are established under a full range of drifting sequences of true distributions. The asymptotic sizes (in a uniform sense) of standard and identification-robust tests and CS’s are established. The results are applied to the ARMA(1, 1) time series model estimated by ML and to the nonlinear regression model estimated by LS. In companion papers the results are applied to a number of other models.