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Rural Banks Can Reduce Poverty: Experimental Evidence from 870 Indian Villages - Daily Consumption Survey

The KGFS Daily Consumption Survey (DCS) dataset contains data from 1,244 households across 130 villages in three districts of Tamil Nadu. This data was collected as part of the KGFS project, which used a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the economic impact of expanding financial access in rural India. The purpose of the DCS was to capture in detail the income and expenditure flows of respondents. The dataset consists of three periods of data collection - the First Visit Survey, the Phone Follow-up Survey, and the End Call Survey - all of which were conducted between February and September of 2016. For each survey, both the household head and the spouse of the household head were surveyed. Only the First Visit Survey was conducted in-person; the latter two surveys were conducted over the phone, with respondents being surveyed every 48 hours for a period of 30 days. The First Visit Survey included the following modules: household roster, farming, existing self-employment, marine and livestock, labor, shocks, loans and lenders, savings and insurance, assets, consumption, and household decision making.  The Phone Follow-up Survey covered: food expenditure, non-food expenditure, monetary transfers, in-kind transfers, monetary income, in-kind payments, loans and savings, shocks, other income, other received transfers, other expenditure, and other transfers. The End Call survey included: farming, existing self-employment, marine and livestock, labor, shocks, loans and lenders, and savings and insurance.

Data related to this intervention can be found here.